July 9, 2022
Game Design
Work on player progress simulator
Work on more details on achievement system
Work on gameplay balancing
Work on new tiles
Fixes to old tiles
Inventory system
IAP system
Companion System
Achievement System
Player portal web view
More Icons for in game
Revise combat system
Improve Inventory system 9. Update crafting system
In progress:
NPC Poacher (filler enemy)
Filler Zed Miel
Halloween illustration
Handmade weapons
Weird looking flowers
NPC Potioneer
Filler Zed Maloth
Filler zed Syrcarn
Filler Zed Graun
Meteor craters
Nightmare Rammum hive
Burning objects
Cosmic Crystals
Hand and claws marks
In progress:
Beilrim Armor
NPC Zed Keeper(Hunters heaven)
NPC Shiv (outcast)
Retopology + bake on the glowing plants
GuildMaster's unique zed
NPC Coggins
In Progress:
Magic Eden Bogzar Zed
Magic Eden Bogzar Armor
Magic eden Zandwulf
Magic Eden Zandwulf Armor
Lenora's new face texture
Kanid Magic Eden Zed
Kanid Magic Eden Armor
Solidity and Rust contracts for staking
Developed news admin page
Continued development for outland odyssey website
Continued blockchain development for many features
Shadow settings for objects (performance improvement)
New algorithm for Linear level generation
Achievement panel - wireframe
Animation/Event refactoring (for skills and abilities)
Crafting panel item filter
Achievement system - backend coding
Various bugfixes
Last updated