January 30, 2023
Last updated
Last updated
This Week
Work on story dialog system implementation
Work on new bespoke level design
Work on AI design + Implementation
Work on playfab data setup
Work on deck slide
Next Week
Work on deck slide
Localization item keys
Continue implementation of story system
Continue to put levels together in the new level system
Continue AI Setup development
Continue work on new bespoke level designs
Friend system
Daily Login
Chat system
Mail System
Party System
Companion Recruitment System
Companion Level Up System
Companion awakening System
Map system (Dungeon map selection)
In progress:
Lenora's Expression for Player Animated Skill
Healer type companion
Nature element zed Armor
Tank type from inheritance - light element
Melee type companion
Brachoptera Armor
In progress:
Strix's light VFX concepts
Carnivorous plants (Forest biome)
Ranged DPS from Palepeaks
Melee DPS from Inheritance
Tank character from Inheritance (light element)
Ranged DPS from Inheritance (light element)
Ranged DPS from Inheritance (dark element)
Second environment overpaint
Dakk's dark vfx
Improvements for the tutorial environment
In progress:
Chapter1Quest_2 Map
Desert Plants
Prototype new Environment looks
Chapter1Quest_1 Map
unity cinemachine workflow
Prefab Boss Crystals zeds
Act 2 - Dryrock Arena (location)
In progress:
NPC Carlisle
Nature Element Zed - Snow Biome
Tank type companion
Melee type companion
Ultra-Skill (need adjustment on Cinemachine)
New Scenario Load (Using separated Env and Core Scene)
Adjust Unity class to to use Shared Library
Split Assembly Definition (15 new assembly)
Map-Streamed Layout Core
Playfab Catalog Editor (edit playfab catalog data in unity) cc Chua Kok Tung
Visual Provider (Move visual data to Addressable [Item Icon, Item Model])
Firebase Remote Config (Unity RC will be removed)
Adjust PopupSystem for Potrait
Remove OpenWorldGenerator (obsolete)
Remove MultiplayerManagaerPun (obsolete)
Alignment new backend code standard (everything use dynamic previously causing headache)
PlayfabControllerV2 (handle all game data)
Adjust UICurrencyText (to use PlayfabControllerV2)